PANO Statement on Bourbon St Attack

PANO Statement on Bourbon St Attack

The Police Association of New Orleans with the rest of America in mourning the terrible loss of life and for those injured in New Orleans early on New Year's Day. Fortunately, NOPD police officers acted quickly to permanently end the terrorist's attempt to cause further bloodshed. We thank and support those officers, as well as all the law enforcement officers who assisted in ending this tragic event.

PANO on WWL Radio

PANO on WWL Radio

Listen to PANO Attorney Eric Hessler on WWL Radio (broadcast recorded earlier) with Newell Normand about the recent Bourbon St terrorist attack.



In a significant victory for NAPO, the Senate passed the Social Security Fairness Act tonight by a vote of 76-20, rejecting all amendments. With the passage of this bill Congress has acted to end over 40 years of the federal government taking the hard-earned benefits of our nation’s law enforcement officers and public servants. The repeal of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) will preserve the retirement security of those who chose to selflessly serve and protect our communities. NAPO has been fighting to pass the Social Security Fairness Act for nearly 30 years and we could not have done this without your help and advocacy. Thank you!

NAPO Letter to Congress about the WEP

NAPO Letter to Congress about the WEP

PANO, as part of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), joined other law enforcement groups in urging Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer to support the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82 / S. 597). This critical legislation aims to eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), which currently reduce Social Security benefits for many public servants, including law enforcement officers. Repealing these provisions would help restore fair retirement security for those who dedicate their lives to public safety. With broad bipartisan support, we are calling on Senator Schumer to bring this important bill to a vote in the upcoming session.

PANO on WWL Radio

PANO on WWL Radio

Listen to PANO President Michael Glasser on WWL Radio (broadcast recorded earlier) with Tommy Tucker.

Social Security Fairness Act Update

Social Security Fairness Act Update

In an October 11 meeting with Congressman Garret Graves (R-LA) and Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), the sponsors of H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, they stated their intention of calling the bill up for a vote as soon as Congress returns on November 12. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) then has two days to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. This gives us three weeks to shore up the support of the 329 cosponsors of the bill to ensure we can count on their vote when it comes to the floor.

Donations Request for Hurricane Helene Victims

Donations Request for Hurricane Helene Victims

The Police Association of New Orleans (PANO) is requesting donations for supplies to the first responders and victims of Hurricane Helene in the Asheville, North Carolina region. As we all know from our past experience with Katrina, recovering from such a devastating storm takes time and the victims are in desperate need of supplies of all sorts.

New Storm Updates Feature

New Storm Updates Feature

To enhance officer safety and preparedness, PANO is introducing a new storm updates feature to the web app. This feature will provide real-time updates directly from the NOAA National Hurricane Center (NHC), prominently displayed at the top of the homepage. Each update will include links to the full NHC reports, along with any available maps or images.

PANO on WWL Radio

PANO on WWL Radio

Listen to PANO President Michael Glasser on WWL Radio (broadcast recorded earlier).

Laws and Statutes Section Updates

Laws and Statutes Section Updates

We're excited to announce further enhancements to our laws and statutes sections! Our comprehensive collection of state statute codes and municipal ordinances—covering both criminal and traffic offenses—has been refined to make your search easier and more efficient.

New  License Plate Features Added!

New License Plate Features Added!

We’re excited to introduce even more new features to the PANO1544 web app! Under the Reference section, you will now find two valuable additions: U.S. License Plate Designs and Louisiana Specialty Plates.

Updates Coming Soon to the PANO1544 App!

Updates Coming Soon to the PANO1544 App!

New updates will be coming to the PANO1544 web app to better serve our members and the officers of the New Orleans Police Department. We value your input and strive to provide the best services available to provide the information you need and make your job easier.

Governor Vetoes HB 42

Governor Vetoes HB 42

PANO is pleased to report that House Bill 42, designed to weaken the state’s municipality's requirement to contribute and fund your retirement system, MPERS, was VETOED by the Governor on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Passing of Donovan Livaccari

Passing of Donovan Livaccari

The Police Association of New Orleans joins the Fraternal Order of Police and New Orleans Police Department in mourning the loss of retired Police Sergeant and FOP Spokesman/Counsel Donavan Livaccari.