| Attempt | |
Inchoate |
14:25 | Accessories after the fact |
14:26 | Criminal conspiracy |
14:27 | Attempt |
14:28 | Inciting a felony |
14:28.1 | Solicitation for murder |
 | Offenses Against the Person | |
Homicide |
14:30 | First degree murder |
14:30.1 | Second degree murder |
14:31 | Manslaughter |
14:32 | Negligent homicide |
14:32.1 | Vehicular homicide |
14:32.5 | Feticide |
14:32.6 | First degree feticide |
14:32.7 | Second degree feticide |
14:32.8 | Third degree feticide |
14:32.12 | Criminal assistance to suicide |
Battery and Assault |
14:34 | Aggravated battery |
14:34.1 | Second degree battery |
14:34.2 | Battery of a police officer |
14:34.3 | Battery of a school teacher |
14:34.4 | Battery of a school athletic contest official |
14:34.5 | Battery of a correctional facility employee |
14:34.5.1 | Battery of a bus operator |
14:34.6 | Disarming of a peace officer |
14:34.7 | Aggravated second degree battery |
14:34.8 | Battery of emergency room, services, or healthcare personnel |
14:34.9 | Battery of a dating partner |
14:34.9.1 | Aggravated assault upon a dating partner |
14:35 | Simple battery |
14:35.1 | Simple battery of a child welfare worker |
14:35.2 | Simple battery of the infirm |
14:35.3 | Domestic abuse battery |
14:37 | Aggravated assault |
14:37.1 | Assault by drive-by shooting |
14:37.2 | Aggravated assault on a peace officer with a firearm |
14:37.3 | Unlawful use of a laser on a police officer |
14:37.4 | Aggravated assault with a firearm |
14:37.5 | Aggravated assault upon a utility service employee with a firearm |
14:37.6 | Aggravated assault with a motor vehicle upon a police officer |
14:37.7 | Domestic abuse aggravated assault |
14:38 | Simple assault |
14:38.1 | Mingling harmful substances |
14:38.1.1 | Adulterating a food product |
14:38.2 | Assault on a school teacher |
14:38.3 | Assault on a child welfare worker |
14:38.4 | Harassment of a school or recreation athletic contest official |
14:38.5 | Assault on emergency room personnel, emergency services personnel, or a healthcare professional |
14:39 | Negligent injuring |
14:39.1 | Vehicular negligent injuring |
14:39.2 | First degree vehicular negligent injuring |
14:40 | Intimidation by officers |
14:40.1 | Terrorizing |
14:40.2 | Stalking |
14:40.3 | Cyberstalking |
14:40.4 | Burning cross on property of another or public place |
14:40.5 | Public display of a noose on property of another or public place |
14:40.6 | Unlawful disruption of the operation of a school |
14:40.7 | Cyberbullying |
14:40.8 | Criminal hazing |
14:40.9 | Unlawful disruption of a healthcare facility |
Rape and Sexual Assault |
14:42 | First degree rape |
14:42.1 | Second degree rape |
14:43 | Third degree rape |
14:43.1 | Sexual battery |
14:43.1.1 | Misdemeanor sexual battery |
14:43.2 | Aggravated sexual battery |
14:43.3 | Oral sexual battery |
14:43.4 | Female genital mutilation |
14:43.5 | Intentional exposure to AIDS virus |
Kidnapping and False Imprisonment |
14:44 | Aggravated kidnapping |
14:44.1 | Second degree kidnapping |
14:44.2 | Aggravated kidnapping of a child |
14:45 | Simple kidnapping |
14:45.1 | Interference with the custody of a child |
14:46 | False imprisonment |
14:46.1 | False imprisonment; offender armed with weapon |
14:46.2 | Human trafficking |
14:46.3 | Trafficking of children for sexual purposes |
14:46.4 | Re-homing of a child |
14:50.2 | Perpetration or attempted perpetration of certain crimes against a victim sixty-five years of age or older |
 | Offenses Against Property | |
Arson and Explosives |
14:51 | Aggravated arson |
14:51.1 | Injury by arson |
14:52 | Simple arson |
14:52.1 | Simple arson of a religious building |
14:52.2 | Negligent arson |
14:53 | Arson with intent to defraud |
14:54.1 | Communicating of false information of planned arson |
14:54.2 | Manufacture and possession of delayed action incendiary devices; penalty |
14:54.3 | Manufacture and possession of a bomb |
14:54.4 | Forfeitures |
14:54.5 | Fake explosive device |
14:54.6 | Communicating false information of planned bombing on school property, school function, or firearm-free zone |
Criminal Damage |
14:55 | Aggravated criminal damage to property |
14:56 | Simple criminal damage to property |
14:56.4 | Criminal damage to property by defacing with graffiti |
14:56.5 | Criminal damage to historic buildings or landmarks by defacing with graffiti |
14:57 | Damage to property with intent to defraud |
14:58 | Contaminating water supplies |
14:59 | Criminal mischief |
Burglary |
14:60 | Aggravated burglary |
14:61 | Unauthorized entry of a critical infrastructure |
14:61.1 | Criminal damage to a critical infrastructure |
14:62 | Simple burglary |
14:62.2 | Simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling |
14:62.3 | Unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling |
14:62.4 | Unauthorized entry of a place of business |
14:62.5 | Looting |
14:62.7 | Unauthorized entry of a dwelling during an emergency or disaster |
14:62.8 | Home invasion |
Criminal Trespass |
14:63 | Criminal trespass |
14:63.3 | Entry on or remaining in places or on land after being forbidden |
14:63.4 | Aiding and abetting others to enter or remain on premises where forbidden |
14:63.5 | Entry or remaining on site of a school or recreation athletic contest after being forbidden |
Robbery |
14:64 | Armed robbery |
14:64.1 | First degree robbery |
14:64.2 | Carjacking |
14:64.2.1 | Carjacking; recruitment of juveniles |
14:64.3 | Armed robbery, attempted armed robbery, use of firearm; additional penalty |
14:64.4 | Second degree robbery |
14:65 | Simple robbery |
14:65.1 | Purse snatching |
14:66 | Extortion |
Theft and Fraud |
14:67 | Theft |
14:67.1 | Theft of livestock |
14:67.2 | Theft of timber |
14:67.3 | Unauthorized use of "access card" as theft |
14:67.4 | Anti-Skimming Act (credit card, debit card, etc.) |
14:67.11 | Credit card fraud by persons authorized to provide goods and services |
14:67.12 | Theft of a catalytic converter or engine control module |
14:67.15 | Theft of a firearm |
14:67.16 | Identity theft |
14:67.19 | Theft of anhydrous ammonia |
14:67.19.1 | Unauthorized possession of anhydrous ammonia |
14:67.22 | Fraudulent acquisition of a credit card |
14:67.25 | Organized retail theft |
14:67.26 | Theft of a motor vehicle |
14:67.29 | False personation of a veteran or fraudulent representation of a veteran-owned business |
14:68 | Unauthorized use of a movable |
14:68.1 | Unauthorized removal of shopping cart, basket, or dairy case |
14:68.2 | Unauthorized use of food stamp coupons, food stamp authorization cards, or food stamp access devices |
14:68.2.1 | Failure to report unauthorized use of SNAP benefits |
14:68.3 | Unauthorized removal of a motor vehicle; penalties |
14:68.4 | Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle |
14:68.4.1 | Staging of a motor vehicle collision |
14:68.4.2 | Aggravated staging of a motor vehicle collision |
14:68.5 | Unauthorized removal of property from governor’s mansion or state capitol complex |
14:68.6 | Unauthorized ordering of goods and services |
14:68.7 | Receipts and universal product code labels; unlawful acts |
14:69 | Illegal possession of stolen things |
14:69.1 | Illegal possession of stolen firearms |
14:70 | False accounting |
14:70.1 | Medicaid fraud |
14:70.2 | Refund or access device application fraud |
14:70.3 | Fraud in selling agricultural equipment |
14:70.4 | Access device fraud |
14:70.5 | Fraudulent remuneration |
14:70.6 | Unlawful distribution, possession, or use of theft alarm deactivation devices |
14:70.7 | Unlawful production, manufacturing, distributing, or possessing of fraudulent documents for identification purposes |
14:70.8 | Illegal transmission of monetary funds |
14:71 | Issuing worthless checks |
14:71.1 | Bank fraud |
14:71.2 | Failure to pay bridge or bridge-causeway toll |
14:71.3 | Mortgage fraud |
14:71.4 | Homestead exemption fraud |
14:72 | Forgery |
14:72.1 | Use of forged academic records |
14:72.1.1 | Forgery of an insurance card or certificate |
14:72.2 | Monetary instrument abuse |
14:72.3 | Identification of alleged offender |
14:72.4 | Disposal of property with fraudulent or malicious intent |
14:72.5 | Unlawful production, manufacture, distribution, or possession of a fraudulent postsecondary education degree |
14:72.6 | Forgery of a motor vehicle inspection certificate |
14:73 | Commercial bribery |
Computer Crime |
14:73.1 | Definitions |
14:73.2 | Offenses against intellectual property |
14:73.3 | Offenses against computer equipment or supplies |
14:73.4 | Offenses against computer users |
14:73.5 | Computer fraud |
14:73.6 | Offenses against electronic mail service provider |
14:73.7 | Computer tampering |
14:73.8 | Unauthorized use of a wireless router; pornography involving juveniles |
14:73.9 | Criminal use of internet, virtual, street-maps |
14:73.10 | Online impersonation |
14:73.11 | Communication interference |
14:73.12 | Trespass against state computers |
14:73.13 | Unlawful deepfakes (sexual conduct) |
 | Offenses Affecting Family | |
Criminal Neglect |
14:74 | Criminal neglect of family |
14:75 | Failure to pay child support |
14:76 | Bigamy |
14:77 | Abetting in bigamy |
14:79 | Violation of protective orders |
14:79.1 | Criminal abandonment |
 | Offenses Affecting the Public Moral | |
Sexual Offenses Involving Minors |
14:80 | Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile |
14:80.1 | Misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile |
14:81 | Indecent behavior with juveniles |
14:81.1 | Pornography involving juveniles |
14:81.1.1 | "Sexting”; prohibited acts |
14:81.2 | Molestation of a juvenile |
14:81.3 | Computer aided solicitation of a minor |
14:81.4 | Prohibited sexual conduct between educator and student |
14:81.5 | Unlawful possession of a videotape of protected persons; ref. R.S. 15:440.1 |
Prostitution |
14:82 | Prostitution; definition; penalties; enhancement |
14:82.1 | Prostitution; persons under seventeen; additional offenses |
14:82.2 | Purchase of commercial sexual activities |
14:83 | Soliciting for prostitutes |
14:83.1 | Inciting prostitution |
14:83.2 | Promoting prostitution |
14:83.3 | Prostitution by massage |
14:83.4 | Massage; sexual conduct prohibited |
14:84 | Pandering |
14:85 | Letting premises for prostitution |
14:86 | Enticing persons into prostitution |
Abortion |
14:87.1 | Killing a child during delivery |
14:87.2 | Human experimentation |
14:87.4 | Abortion advertising |
14:87.5 | Intentional failure to sustain life and health of aborted viable infant |
Crime Against Nature |
14:89 | Crime against nature |
14:89.1 | Aggravated crime against nature |
14:89.2 | Crime against nature by solicitation |
14:89.6 | Human-animal hybrids |
Gambling |
14:90 | Gambling |
14:90.1 | Seizure and disposition of evidence; gambling |
14:90.2 | Gambling in public |
14:90.3 | Gambling by computer |
14:90.4 | Unlawful playing of video poker devices by persons under twenty-one |
14:90.5 | Unlawful playing of gaming devices by persons under twenty-one |
14:90.6 | Gambling or wagering at cockfights |
14:90.7 | Gambling by electronic sweepstakes device |
Affecting Safety of Minors |
14:91 | Unlawful sales of weapons to minors |
14:91.1 | Unlawful presence of a sexual violent predator |
14:91.2 | Unlawful presence of a sexual offender |
14:91.3 | Unlawful participation in a child related business |
14:91.4 | Contributing to the endangerment of a minor |
14:91.5 | Unlawful use of a social networking website |
14:91.6 | Unlawful distribution of sample tobacco products to persons under age eighteen |
14:91.7 | Unauthorized possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on public school property |
14:91.8 | Unlawful sale of tobacco to or purchase of tobacco by persons under age eighteen; signs required on vending machines |
14:91.9 | Unlawful presence or contact of a sex offender relative to a former victim |
14:91.11 | Sale, exhibition, or distribution of material harmful to minors |
14:91.12 | Sale, distribution or making available to minors publications encouraging, advocating, or facilitating the illegal use of controlled dangerous substances |
14:91.13 | Illegal use of controlled dangerous substances in the presence of persons under seventeen years of age |
14:91.14 | Unlawful distribution of material harmful to minors through the internet |
14:91.15 | Unlawful operation of an unlicensed child day care center |
14:91.21 | Sale of poisonous reptiles to minors |
14:92 | Contributing to the delinquency of juveniles |
14:92.1 | Encouraging or contributing to child delinquency dependency, or neglect |
14:92.2 | Improper supervision of a minor by parent or legal custodian |
14:92.3 | Retaliation by a minor against a parent, legal custodian, witness, or complainant |
14:93 | Cruelty to juveniles |
14:93.1 | Model glue; use of; unlawful sales to minors |
14:93.2 | Tattooing and body piercing minors |
14:93.2.1 | Child desertion |
14:93.2.2 | Unlawful placement of gold fillings, caps, and crowns; minors |
14:93.2.3 | Second degree cruelty to juveniles |
14:93.2.4 | Unlawful swimming in certain waterways |
Affecting Safety of the Infirm |
14:93.3 | Cruelty to the infirmed |
14:93.4 | Exploitation of the infirmed |
14:93.5 | Sexual battery of the infirm |
Alcoholic Beverages |
14:93.10 | Definitions |
14:93.11 | Unlawful sales to persons under twenty-one |
14:93.12 | Purchase and public possession of alcoholic beverages (under twenty-one) |
14:93.13 | Unlawful purchase of alcoholic beverages by persons on behalf of persons under twenty-one |
14:93.14 | Responsibilities of retail dealers not relieved |
14:93.15 | Alcoholic beverage vaporizer; prohibitions |
 | Offenses Affecting the Public Generally | |
Illegal Carrying of Weapons |
14:94 | Illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities |
14:95 | Illegal carrying of weapons |
14:95.1 | Possession of firearm or carrying concealed weapon by a person convicted of certain felonies |
14:95.1.1 | Illegally supplying a felon with a firearm |
14:95.1.2 | Illegally supplying a felon with ammunition |
14:95.1.3 | Fraudulent firearm and ammunition purchase |
14:95.2 | Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon, by a student or non-student on school property, at school sponsored functions or firearm-free zone |
14:95.2.1 | Illegal carrying of a firearm at a parade with any firearm used in a commission of a crime of violence |
14:95.2.2 | Reckless discharge of a firearm at a parade or demonstration |
14:95.3 | Unlawful use of body armor |
14:95.5 | Possession of firearm on premises of alcoholic beverage outlet |
14:95.6 | Firearm-free zone; notice; signs; crime |
14:95.7 | Possession of or dealing in firearms with obliterated number or mark |
14:95.8 | Illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile |
14:95.9 | Wearing or possessing body armor on school property, school functions, or firearm-free zones |
14:95.10 | Possession of a firearm or carrying of a concealed weapon by a person convicted of domestic abuse battery |
Obstructing Highways |
14:96 | Aggravated obstruction of a highway of commerce |
14:97 | Simple obstruction of a highway of commerce |
14:97.1 | Solicitation on an interstate highway |
14:97.2 | Unlawful sale, purchase, possession, or use of traffic signal preemption devices |
14:98 | Operating a vehicle while intoxicated |
14:98.1 | Underage driving under the influence |
14:98.2 | Unlawful refusal to submit to chemical tests; arrests for driving while intoxicated |
14:98.3 | Operating a vehicle with a suspended driver’s license from prior DWI offense |
14:98.4 | Operating while intoxicated; fourth offense |
14:98.6 | Underage operating while intoxicated |
14:98.7 | Unlawful refusal to submit to chemical tests; driving while intoxicated |
14:98.8 | Operating a vehicle while under suspension for certain prior offenses |
14:99 | Reckless operation of a vehicle |
14:99.1 | Hit and run damaging of a potable water line by a watercraft or vessel |
14:99.2 | Reckless operation of an off-road vehicle |
14:100 | Hit and run driving |
Obstructing Public Passages |
14:100.1 | Obstructing public passages |
Terrorism on Highways |
14:100.11 | Prevention of terrorism on highways |
14:100.12 | Definitions |
14:100.13 | Operating vehicle without lawful presence in the United States |
14:100.14 | Giving false information regarding lawful presence in the U.S. in order to obtain a driver’s license |
Affecting Public Sensibility |
14:101 | Desecration of graves |
14:101.1 | Purchase or sale of human organs |
14:101.2 | Unauthorized use of sperm, ovum, or embryo |
14:102 | Definition; cruelty to animals |
14:102.1 | Cruelty to animals; simple and aggravated |
14:102.2 | Seizure and disposition of animals cruelly treated |
14:102.3 | Search warrant; animal cruelty offenses |
14:102.4 | Confined animals; necessary food and water |
14:102.5 | Dog fighting |
14:102.6 | Seizure and destruction or disposition of dogs and equipment used in dog fighting |
14:102.7 | Search warrant for dog fighting offenses |
14:102.8 | Injuring or killing of a police animal |
14:102.9 | Interference with animal research or laboratory |
14:102.10 | Bear wrestling |
14:102.11 | Illegal contact sports |
14:102.12 | Definitions |
14:102.13 | Hearing to determine if dog is dangerous or vicious |
14:102.14 | Unlawful ownership of a dangerous dog |
14:102.15 | Unlawful ownership of a vicious dog |
14:102.16 | Seizure and destruction or disposition of dangerous dogs |
14:102.17 | Registration of dangerous dogs |
14:102.18 | Seizure and disposition of dogs which cause death or inflict bodily injury |
14:102.19 | Hog and canine fighting prohibited |
14:102.20 | Sport killing of zoo or circus animal prohibited |
14:102.21 | Unauthorized use of the identity of a deceased soldier |
14:102.22 | Harboring or concealing an animal which has bitten or inflicted serious bodily injury on a human |
14:102.23 | Cockfighting |
14:102.24 | Participation in cockfighting |
14:102.25 | Unlawful supplying any product for the purpose of falsifying a screening test |
14:102.26 | Unlawful restraint of a dog |
14:102.27 | Unlawful sale of a live dog or cat at certain locations |
14:102.28 | Transporting live feral swine prohibited |
14:102.29 | Unlawful possession, transfer, or manufacture of animal fighting paraphernalia |
Affecting Peace and Order |
14:103 | Disturbing the peace |
14:103.1 | Emanation of excessive sound or noise |
14:103.2 | Amplified devices in public places; quiet zones |
14:104 | Keeping a disorderly place |
14:105 | Letting a disorderly place |
14:106 | Obscenity |
14:106.1 | Promotion of obscene devices |
14:106.2 | Sexual acts prohibited in public places |
14:106.3 | Unlawful exhibition of sexually explicit material in a motor vehicle |
14:107.1 | Ritualistic acts |
14:107.2 | Hate crimes |
14:107.3 | Criminal blighting of property |
14:107.4 | Unlawful posting of criminal activity for notoriety or publicity |
14:107.5 | Solicitation of funds or transportation for certain unlawful purposes |
Affecting Law Enforcement |
14:108 | Resisting an officer |
14:108.1 | Flight from an officer |
14:108.2 | Resisting an officer with force or violence |
14:110 | Simple escape; aggravated escape |
14:110.1 | Jumping bail |
14:110.1.1 | Out-of-state bail jumping |
14:110.2 | Tampering with electronic monitoring equipment |
14:110.3 | Tampering with surveillance, accounting, inventory, or monitoring systems |
14:111 | Assisting escape |
14:112 | False personation |
14:112.1 | False personation of a peace officer |
14:112.2 | Fraudulent portrayal of law enforcement officer or firefighter |
14:112.3 | Aiding and abetting the fraudulent portrayal of a law enforcement officer or firefighter |
14:112.4 | Unlawful production, manufacturing, distribution, or possession of unauthorized peace officer badges |
 | Offenses Affecting Organized Government | |
Treason |
14:113 | Treason |
14:114 | Misprision of treason |
14:115 | Criminal anarchy |
14:116 | Flag desecration |
14:116.1 | Flag burning |
14:117 | Flag desecration; exceptions |
14:117.1 | Paramilitary organizations; prohibitions |
Bribery and Intimidation |
14:118 | Public bribery |
14:118.1 | Bribery of sports participants |
14:118.2 | Falsifying information on racing license applications |
14:119.1 | Bribery of parents of school children |
14:120 | Corrupt influencing |
14:122 | Public intimidation and retaliation |
14:122.1 | Intimidation and interference in the operation of schools |
14:122.2 | Threatening a public official |
Perjury |
14:123 | Perjury |
14:124 | Inconsistent statements; perjury |
14:125 | False swearing |
14:125.1 | False swearing in paternity cases |
14:125.2 | False statements concerning paternity |
14:126 | Inconsistent statements; false swearing |
14:126.1 | False swearing for purpose of violating public health or safety |
14:126.1.1 | False communication with the intent to cause an emergency response |
14:126.2 | False statements concerning denial of constitutional rights |
14:126.3 | False statements concerning employment in a nursing or health care facility |
14:126.3.1 | Unauthorized participation in medical assistance programs |
14:126.4 | False certification of arrest documents (32:666) |
Terrorism |
14:128.1 | Terrorism |
14:128.2 | Aiding others in terrorism |
Affecting Records and Judicial Functions |
14:129 | Jury tampering |
14:129.1 | Intimidating, impeding, or injuring witnesses; injuring officers |
14:129.2 | Recording, listening to, or observing proceedings of grand or petit juries while deliberating or voting |
14:130 | Jury misconduct |
14:130.1 | Obstruction of justice |
14:130.1 | Obstruction of justice |
14:131 | Compounding a felony |
14:131.1 | Failure to report the commission of certain felonies |
14:132 | Injuring public records |
14:133 | Filing or maintaining false public records |
14:133.1 | Obstruction of court orders |
14:133.2 | Misrepresentation during booking |
14:133.3 | Falsification of drug tests |
14:133.4 | Misrepresentation during issuance of a misdemeanor summons |
14:133.5 | False complaint against a law enforcement officer |
14:133.6 | False lien against a law enforcement or court officer |
14:133.7 | Publication of certain criminal record information or juvenile record information prohibited |
Official Misconduct |
14:134 | Malfeasance in office |
14:134.1 | Malfeasance in office; sexual conduct prohibited with persons in the custody and supervision of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections |
14:134.2 | Malfeasance in office; tampering with evidence |
14:134.3 | Abuse of office |
14:138 | Public payroll fraud |
 | Miscellaneous Crimes and Offenses | |
Other Offenses Against Property |
14:202 | Contractors; misapplication of payments prohibited |
14:202.1 | Home improvement fraud |
14:202.2 | Solar contractors; solar credit fraud |
14:203 | Electrical appliances, sale without original factory serial number prohibited |
14:206 | Fire prevention interference |
14:207 | Motor vehicles, alteration or removal of identifying numbers prohibited |
14:210 | Taxicabs, tampering with meter forbidden |
14:220 | Failure to return leased or rented vehicle; obtaining by false representation |
14:220.1 | Failure to return leased or rented movable; obtaining by false representation |
14:221 | Avoiding payment for telecommunications services, cable television services, or multipoint distribution system service |
14:222 | Possession, manufacture, sale or transfer of devices for avoidance of payment for telecommunications services or related offenses; seizure of devices |
14:222.1 | Unauthorized interception, interference with, or retransmission of services offered over a cable television system |
14:222.2 | Cellular telephone counterfeiting |
14:222.3 | Unlawful use of a cellular tracking device |
14:223 | Sound reproductions without consent prohibited |
14:223.5 | Recording of performances without consent prohibited |
14:225 | Institutional vandalism |
Other Offenses Affecting Public Morals |
14:281 | Disorderly place, maintaining of prohibited |
14:282 | Operation of places of prostitution prohibited |
14:283 | Video voyeurism |
14:283.1 | Voyerism |
14:283.2 | Nonconsensual disclosure of a private image |
14:284 | Peeping Tom |
14:285 | Telephone call – harassment, intimidation, threats, vulgar language, etc. |
Other Offenses Affecting the Public Generally |
14:311 | Discharging fireworks or explosives within one thousand feet of hospital prohibited |
14:312 | Jumping from state bridge for publicity prohibited |
14:313 | Wearing masks or facial disguise in public (except Mardi Gras, Halloween, or religious beliefs) |
14:313.1 | Distributing candy or gifts at Halloween or other holidays by sex offenders |
14:322 | Wiretapping prohibited |
14:323 | Tracking devices prohibited |
14:327 | Obstructing a fireman or EMT |
14:328 | Obstruction or interference with members of staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions; trespass, damage to property |
14:329 | Interfering with a law enforcement investigation |
14:329.7 | Rioting, inciting a riot, or failing to disperse |
14:332 | Interference with medical treatment |
14:333 | Misrepresentation of age to obtain alcohol or enter licensed premises |
14:334 | Ignition interlock device offenses |
14:336 | Unlawful aiming of a laser at an aircraft |
14:337 | Unlawful use of an unmanned aircraft system (drone) |
14:338 | Interfering with emergency communication |
Other Offenses Affecting Government |
14:356.1 | Unlawful referrals by wrecker drivers and others; penalty |
Other Offenses Affecting Law Enforcement |
14:403 | Abuse of children; mandatory reporting |
14:403.1 | Substance abuse in schools reporting; confidentiality; immunity |
14:403.2 | Abuse and neglect of adults |
14:403.3 | Reports of missing children; procedures; false reports |
14:403.4 | Burn injuries and wounds (serious injury); reporting |
14:403.5 | Gunshot wounds; mandatory reporting |
14:403.6 | Reporting of neglect or abuse of animals |
14:403.7 | Failure to report a missing child |
14:403.8 | Failure to report the death of a child |
14:403.9 | Alcohol consumption; emergency assistance and cooperation |
14:403.10 | Drug-related overdoses; medical assistance; immunity from prosecution |
14:403.11 | Administration of opiate antagonists; immunity |
14:404 | Self-mutilation by a prisoner |
Other Offenses Against the Person |
14:501 | Killing or injuring a person while hunting |
14:502 | Failure to seek assistance |
Loansharking |
14:511 | Loansharking |
14:512 | Aggravated Loansharking |
14:513 | Possession of Loansharking Records |
 | Amusement and Sports | |
Amusement and Sports |
4:1 | Unlawful to sell tickets for more than the price; total cost of tickets to be printed on each |
4:9 | Corruption of participants or referees in contests |
 | Cemeteries | |
Cemeteries |
14:101 | Desecration of graves |
8:652 | Unlawful disposal of remains |
8:653 | Opening graves; stealing body; receiving same |
8:654 | Mutilating, disinterring human remains |
 | Sex Offenders | |
Sex Offenders |
15:542 | Registration of sex offenders and child predators; requirements |
15:542.1 | Notification of sex offenders and child predators; requirements |
15:542.1.4 | Failure to register/notify as a sex offender or child predator |
15:551 | Harboring or concealing sex offender, child predator |
15:553 | Prohibited employment for sex offenders |
 | Criminal Gangs | |
Gangs |
15:1402 | Legislative findings and declaration |
15:1403 | Criminal street gangs; gang activity; prohibitions |
15:1403.1 | Solicitation of membership in a criminal street gang |
15:1404 | Criminal street gang; definitions |
15:1405.2 | Possession of firearms, ammunition, or dangerous weapons by criminal street gangs; seizure |
 | Hotels and Short-Term Rentals | |
Hotels |
21:21 | Fraud in obtaining accommodations |
21:51 | Pet animals; prohibitions relative to hotels and motels; exemptions |
21:61 | Short-term rentals - notice required for camera use |
21:75 | Hotels, motels, and campgrounds; expiration of stay (person not to remain on premises) |
21:76 | Removal of occupant and belongings |
 | Littering | |
Littering |
30:2531A | Intentional littering |
30:2531B | Simple littering |
30:2531.1 | Gross littering (appliances, furniture, etc.) |
30:2531.3 | Commercial littering (industrial, mining, etc) |
30:2545 | Beaches; glass container prohibition (includes Lake Pontchartrain beaches) |
30:2546 | Littering of waters prohibited |
 | Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law | |
40:966 | Prohibited acts - schedule I; possession of marijuana, synthetic cannabinoids |
40:967 | Prohibited acts - schedule II; possession of cocaine, oxycodone, amphetamine, or methamphetamine |
40:968 | Prohibited acts - schedule III; steroids |
40:969 | Prohibited acts - schedule IV |
40:970 | Prohibited acts - schedule V |
40:971 | Prohibited acts - all schedules |
40:979 | Attempt and conspiracy |
40:981 | Distribution to persons under age eighteen |
40:981.1 | Distribution to a student |
40:981.2 | Soliciting minors to distribute CDS |
40:981.3 | Distribution or possession in a "Drug Free” zone |
40:1022 | Determination of drug paraphernalia |
40:1023 | Prohibited acts (drug paraphernalia) |
40:1023.1 | Prohibited acts (drug paraphernalia) - juveniles |