Municipal Traffic Quick Reference

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  Printable PANO Municipal Traffic Reference Sheet

  Driver's License
154-301 Driver's license required
154-302 Driver's license change of address within 10 days
154-303 Driver's license on person required
154-304 Unlawful use of license
154-305 Driver's licensed to be signed
154-306 Driver's license exemptions (U.S. govt employees, non-citizen, etc.)
154-308 Vehicle registration required
154-309 Registration to be kept in vehicle
154-311 Transfer of vehicle; new owner must apply immediately; vehicle must be titled
154-312 Unlawful use of registration or license plate
154-313 Defaced V.I.N. (including bicycles) prohibited
  License Plates
154-307 License plate requirements (valid, visible, current, etc.)
154-311 Transfer of registration by owner (plate to remain attached)
154-312 Unlawful use of registration or license plate
  Inspection Stickers
154-1303 Vehicle inspection sticker required
154-1304 Inspection exemptions
154-1312c Fraudulent vehicle inspection sticker
  Child Safety
154-1255 Child passenger restraint (car seats) requirements
  Opening Car Doors
154-397a Must be safe; not interfere or impede with traffic flow
154-397b Leaving doors open longer than necessary prohibited
154-397c Loading/unloading merchandise not to interfere or impede traffic flow
  Speeding / Impeding
154-398 Unattended or disabled motor vehicle
154-531 General limit - 25 mph
154-532 General limit - 30 / 35 mph zones
154-533 When not operative (state designated or otherwise posted)
154-534 School zones - 20 mph (only during regular term)
154-436 Alleys - 10 mph
154-537 Parks (inside boundaries) - 20 mph
154-439 Minimum speed (impeding traffic)
154-541 Semi-trucks/trailers - 15 mph limit (undivided streets); exceptions
154-544 Radar detectors prohibited (certain streets)
154-547 Neighborhood Slow Zones - posted mph limit
  Traffic Signals / Signs
154-58 Obedience to police officers or fire officials
154-234 Obedience to traffic signals and signs
154-235 Obedience to traffic signals/signs improperly placed not required
154-237 Obedience to traffic signals/signs by streetcars
154-239 Flashing signals (red or yellow)
154-240(2) Obedience to lane directional signs
154-242 No unauthorized or obstructed traffic signs
154-481 Obedience to yield signs
154-602 One-way streets
154-606 Obedience to stop signs (vehicles and streetcars)
154-436 Proper turning position and method
154-437a Turns to be proper and safe
154-437b Turn signal use (at least 100 ft before turn)
154-437c No sudden speed decreases before signaling
154-349 Turn/stop signals must be used for any turns/stops
154-440 Hand and arm signal methods
154-443 U-turn limitations(must be safe, not in crest or curve, must use storage lanes)
154-372 Driver's to pass on the right (opposite directions; narrow roads) and give at least one-half of roadway as possible
154-373 Driver's to pass on the left (same direction); overtaken vehicle shall not increase speed
154-374 Passing on right permitted (left-turning vehicle, multi-lane roadways, etc.)
154-375 Passing on left limitations (must be safe, clear, etc.)
154-376 Passing on left prohibited (crest, curve, within 50 feet of intersection/railroad crossing, etc.); except one-way or multi-lane
154-377 No passing zones
154-438a Entering traffic in parked/stopped vehicle
154-438b Backing must be safe; not over 10 mph; not over 60 feet
154-481 Obedience to yield signs
154-482 Vehicle right-of-way at intersections (yielding requirements at certain intersections)
154-483 Vehicle emerging from alley or driveway to yield right-of-way
154-484 Stop when traffic obstructed (do not block intersections or crosswalks)
154-487 Vehicles and streetcars to yield to authorized emergency vehicles
  Following too Close
154-401 Following too closely
  Lane Usage
154-240(1) Proper lane usage (remain in lane)
154-241a Proper driving on divided highways; right side only; no driving over median
154-241b No crossing over centerline (divided roadways)
154-314(1) No driving on sidewalk area
154-371a Drive in right side only; exceptions
154-371b Slower traffic to keep right on multi-lane roadways (except turning or passing)
154-378(1) Driving on roadways laned for traffic (remain in single lane)
154-379 Driving in parking lane prohibited; exceptions
154-380 Proper driving on divided streets; right side only; no driving over median
154-387 Driving on curbs or neutral grounds prohibited
154-388 No driving off-road
154-389 No driving on streetcar tracks; no overtaking and turning in front of streetcars
154-395 Restricted access roadways (public entrance or exit use only)
154-405 No motor vehicles in bicycle lanes; exceptions
154-486a Obedience to railroad signal requirements (stop more than 15 ft away, train visible/audible)
154-486b Circumventing railroad crossing gate or barrier prohibited
154-404a Operation on flooded streets (<5 mph, no waves)
154-404b No tampering, moving, or damaging barricades, signals, warnings, etc.
154-404c No disregarding barricades, signals, warnings, etc.
154-404d Citizens may file affidavit with traffic court for violations
  Reckless Operation
154-382 Reckless operation of a vehicle
154-383 Careless operation of a vehicle
154-400 Drivers to use reasonable vigilance
54-503 Speed and Vehicle Stunt Contests Prohibited
54-504 Spectators Prohibited at Illegal Speed Contests or Exhibition of Speed
  Accidents / Crashes
154-385 Mandatory reporting of accidents; exceptions
154-386 Mandatory movement of vehicles (pull to side, clear traffic lanes); exceptions
  Vehicle Equipment
154-1251 General equipment required (turn signals, headlights, windshield wipers, etc.)
154-1253 Unauthorized equipment (blinking red/blue lights)
154-1254 Headlamps to be lighted (night, rain, poor visibility, etc.)
  School Zones / Buses
154-485a No passing school buses (lights activated; children embarking/disembarking)
154-485b Stopping not required exceptions
154-485c School bus driver must activate visual signals
154-534 School zones - 20 mph (only during regular term)
  Parks / Playground Zones
154-535 Playground zones; drivers must be safe, cautious
154-537 Parks (inside boundaries) - 20 mph
154-378(3) No trucks in left lane on CCC from toll plaza to Camp St
154-378(4) No trucks in left lane on Louisiana Ave (between S Claiborne Ave and Mississippi River)
154-541 Semi-trucks/trailers - 15 mph limit (undivided streets); exceptions
154-1524(3e) No trucks, trailers, etc. in excess of 36 feet in the Vieux Carré; permit exceptions
154-1523 Truck weight limits; permit exceptions
154-1525 Other truck equipment required (lights, portable barricades, etc.)
154-315a Vehicle must be loaded correctly to prevent shifting, leaking, dropping, etc.
154-315b Loads must be secured correctly
154-396 Projected loads (rear) must have red flag or light
154-402 Spillage of dirt, trash, garbage from vehicle prohibited
154-314(1) No operating motorcycles (Vieux Carré) between 12:00 am and 6:00 am
154-1472 Motorcycle operators responsible for their passengers
154-1473 Required equipment (mirrors, headgear, speedometer, brakes, etc.)
154-1474a Muffler required
154-1474b Muffler bypass or cutout prohibited
154-1474c Loud exhaust modifications prohibited
154-313 Defaced V.I.N. (bicycles included)
154-405 No motor vehicles in bicycle lanes; exceptions
154-406 Passing bicycles (more than 3 feet; must be safe)
154-407 Harassing bicyclists prohibited
154-1402 Parents responsible for minor (bicycle violations)
154-1411 Bicyclists must obey traffic laws
154-1412 Bicyclists must obey traffic control devices
154-1413 Bicyclists must stop in event of accident/crash and exchange information
154-1414 Bicyclists must keep at least one hand on handlebars
154-1415 Bicycles to properly ride on roadways and bicycle paths (right side only, allowed to use shoulder, etc.)
154-1416 Bicyclists not allowed on sidewalks (except age 15 or younger)
154-1417 Speeding prohibited
154-1418 Bicyclists to yield when emerging from alley or driveway
154-1419 Proper manner of riding (no excess passengers)
154-1420 Must carry articles safely and not interfere with operating
154-1421 Bicycles to be properly parked
154-1422 Bicycle equipment required (lamps, reflectors, audible bell)
  Electric Bicycles
154-1425 Electric bicycles considered a bicycle
154-1426 Electric bicycles - insurance, licensing, registration not required
154-1432 Class 3 electric bicycles shall not use bicycle paths
154-1434 Helmet required - Class 3 electric bicycles
154-1435 Speedometer required - Class 3 electric bicycles
  Electric Scooters
154-1751 Renting electric scooters requirements
154-1752 Electric scooters to be properly parked
154-3 Rolling skating, etc. prohibited in roadway; must use crosswalks
154-1601 Pedestrians to obey traffic control signals
154-1602a Drivers to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
154-1602b Pedestrians not to run in front of moving vehicles
154-1602c Drivers not to pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians
154-1603 Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalk
154-1604 Pedestrians to cross at right angles (shortest, safest distance)
154-1605 Pedestrians to yield right-of-way when separate overhead pedestrian crossing provided
154-1606 Pedestrians to use crosswalks (no jaywalking)
154-1607 Walking in roadway when sidewalk available prohibited
154-1608 Drivers to exercise due care
  Animal Riding / Drawn Vehicles
154-7 Push carts, animal riding, streetcars to obey traffic laws
154-8 Riding horses on neutral ground prohibited
  Buses / Streetcars
154-5 Boarding bus or streetcar in motion prohibited
154-237 Obedience to traffic signals/signs by streetcars
154-389 No driving on streetcar tracks; no overtaking and turning in front of streetcars
  Personal Delivery Devices
154-13 Personal delivery devices prohibited; University exceptions
  Vieux Carré
122-51 No operating a bus over 31 feet in the Vieux Carré
154-314(1) No operating motorcycles between 12:00 am and 6:00 am
154-607 Miniature vehicles prohibited
154-608 No vehicular traffic in Vieux Carré malls
154-1203 Designated Neighborhood Slow Zone (see Sec. 154-547)
162-942a Buses over 31 feet prohibited in the Vieux Carré
162-942d Bus not to idle engine more than 10 minutes; stop for more than 15 minutes
154-4 Cling to motor vehicles prohibited
154-6 Riding on prohibited portions of vehicle
154-9 Fraudulent vehicle markings (Consular or Diplomatic)
154-10 Public employees to obey traffic laws
154-11 Emergency vehicle exceptions
154-391 Crossing fire hose prohibited
154-393 No driving through funeral procession
154-395 Restricted access roadways (public entrance or exit use only)
154-399 Obstruction to driver's view
54-190 Driving on restricted roads, levees, park areas, etc.
54-191 Unauthorized parking of motor vehicles on private property
  Traffic Fine Schedule
154-177 Schedule of traffic fines
  Parking (Civil Violations)
154-861 Proper parking required
154-869 Parking in passenger zone prohibited
154-874 Parking in handicap space restricted
154-878 Parking not to obstruct traffic
154-923 Parking restricted (sidewalk, fire hydrant, intersection, etc.)
154-926 Parked vehicles required to have license plate and inspection sticker
154-985 Parade parking restrictions - within 2 blocks (box truck, cargo van, camper, etc.)
154-1031 Parking on neutral ground prohibited
154-1032 Parking prohibited on sidewalks in the Vieux Carré area
154-1036 Parking in violation of Mardi Gras traffic plan
154-1040 No stopping or parking near hazardous or congested places
154-1043 Unauthorized parking on city property