Municipal Criminal Quick Reference

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54-61 Attempt
Person Icon   Offenses Against the Person
Person Crimes
54-96 Battery
54-97 Assault
54-98 Negligent Injuring
54-99 False Imprisonment
Property Icon   Offenses Against Property
Violence Against Property
54-151 Criminal Damage to Property
54-152 Tampering
54-153 Criminal Trespass
54-154 Obstruction of Drainage Canals
54-154.1 Obstruction of Catch Basins at Construction or Demolition Sites
54-155 Discharging Oil into Gutters or Drains
54-156 Simple Arson
54-157 Contaminating Water Supplies
Theft and Fraud
54-186 Theft
54-187 Unauthorized Use of Movables
54-188 Illegal Possession of Stolen Things
54-189 Issuing Worthless Checks
54-190 Driving on Restricted Access Roads, Levees, Battures, Park Areas, Playgrounds, Embankments of Canal, Servitudes, and Public Rights-of-Way
54-191 Unauthorized Parking of Motor Vehicles on Private Property
54-192 Removal of Unauthorized Motor Vehicles on Private Property
54-193 Identification of Compact Disc Required
54-194 Trademark Counterfeiting
54-195 Articles Containing Unauthorized Recordation of Sounds of Live Performances
54-197 Cheating and Swindling
Prostitution Icon   Offenses Affecting Morality
Sexual Immorality
54-251 Prostitution
54-252 Soliciting for Prostitution
54-253 Prostitution Loitering
54-254 Lewd Conduct
54-255 Sale and Distribution of Obscene Material
54-256 Public Displays of Explicit Sexual Material
54-256.1 Prohibited Public Display of Signs Containing Vulgar, Explicit or Offensive Language
54-257 Proximity of Adult Bookstores to Churches, Schools, etc.
54-258 Promotion of Obscene Devices
54-259 Sale, Exhibition or Distribution of Material Harmful to Minors
54-260 Obscene Live Conduct
General Morality
54-276 Gambling
54-277 Disposition of Seized Paraphernalia
54-278 Telephone Communications; Improper Language
54-279 Peeping Tom
Discharge Icon   Offenses Affecting the Public Generally
54-311 Criminal Impersonation
54-312 Fortune Telling
54-313 Masks or Disguises in Public
54-314 Misrepresentation of Age to Gain Entry to a Licensed Gaming Facility
Public Safety and Weapons
54-336 Discharging Certain Weapons Prohibited
54-338 Responsibilities of Owners of Firearms with Respect to Minors
54-339 Sale, Purchase, Possession, Use of Specified Instrumentalities Prohibited (Stun Guns, Metal Knuckles, etc.)
54-340 Possession of Firearms or Ammunition by Minors
54-341 Illegal Carrying of Weapons
54-342 Illegal Possession of Weapons at Demonstrations
54-342.5 Illegal Possession or Ownership of Other Dangerous Instruments by Certain Persons
54-345 Unlawful Sale, Transfer to Minors
54-346 Unlawful to Sell or Transfer Firearms; Exception
54-347 Requirement for Firearms Sale or Transfer
54-348 Procedure for Sale of Firearm or Destructive Devices
54-349 Sale or Transfer of Ammunition Execution of Forms
54-350 Information Required for Sale of Firearms or Destructive Devices
54-351 Unlawful to Sell, Transfer Firearms or Destructive Devices to Certain Persons
54-352 Unlawful to Make False Statements (Regarding Firearms)
54-357 Mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms
54-358 Possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon in a firearm-free zone
54-361 Negligent carrying of a concealed firearm
Affecting Public Sensibilities
54-376 Cruelty to Animals
54-377 Desecration of Graves
54-378 Institutional Vandalism
54-379 Intimidation
54-380 Hate Crimes
Affecting Peace and Order
54-401 Obstructing Public Passages
54-402 Trash Fires
54-403 Disturbing the Peace
54-404 Carrying of Opened Containers - Prohibited
54-405 Public Intoxication
54-406 Opened Containers to Remain in Establishments
54-407 Alcoholic Beverages in Motor Vehicles
54-408 Disturbing the Peace in the City Council Chamber
54-409 Drinking During Public Meetings
54-410 Breach of Public Security
54-411 Begging
54-412 Aggressive Panhandling
54-413 Throwing Prohibited
54-414 Curfew for Persons Under 17 Years of Age; School Attendance
54-416 Mandatory School Attendance for Certain Persons
54-418 Purchase and Public Possession of Alcoholic Beverages (Minors)
54-419 Aggressive Solicitation
Affecting Law Enforcement
54-441 Resisting an Officer
54-442 Crossing or Traversing a Police Cordon
54-443 Tampering with Evidence
54-444 False Personation of Peace Officers
54-445 False Alarms, False Reports of Fire, Police, Ambulance
54-445.1 Filing or Maintaining False Public Records
54-446 Commercial Use of Police Communications
54-447 Escape
54-448 Assisting Escape
54-449 Flight from an Officer
54-450 Interfering with a Law Enforcement Investigation
  Offenses Generally
General Offenses
54-481 Unauthorized Use of a Charitable Name
54-482 Sound Trucks Prohibited
54-483 Eviction without Due Process
54-484 Scalping Tickets
54-485 Unlawful for Person of Opposite Sex to Perform Massage
54-486 Unlawful to Allow Employee to Perform Massage on Person of Opposite Sex
54-487 Misrepresentation of Name, Age or Residence - Generally
54-489 Merchandising of Certain Items – Vieux Carré
54-490 Same - Central Business District
54-491 Misrepresentation of Zoning Status
54-491.1 Prohibited Offers to Rent Property
54-492 Sale of Food, Beverage in Certain Areas
54-493 Sale of Items of Speculative Value
54-494 Automobile Windshield Window Washing Prohibited on Public Streets
54-495 Unlawful Disposal of Medical Waste; Hypodermic Needles
54-497 Sale or Possession of Nitrous Oxide Prohibited; Exceptions
54-498 Nitrous Oxide; Amyl Nitrite and Butyl Nitrite
54-498.1 Compounds Containing Angel's Trumpet
54-499 Sale of Tobacco Products to Minors
54-500 Cigarette Vending Machines
54-501 Declaration of Emergency; Violation of Emergency Orders; Price Gouging
54-502 Repairs or Service of Vehicles in Certain Parking Lots
54-503 Speed and Vehicle Stunt Contests Prohibited
54-504 Spectators Prohibited at Illegal Speed Contests or Exhibition of Speed
54-505 Simple Possession of Marijuana and/or Synthetic Cannabinoids
Domestic Icon   Domestic Violence
Domestic and Family Violence
54-525 Definitions
54-526 Acts of Domestic Violence Prohibited
54-527 Penalties for Acts of Domestic Violence
54-528 Duties of Law Enforcement Officers
54-529 Conditions of Bail
54-530 Stay Away Orders and Peace Bonds
Paraphernalia Icon   Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Model Glue
102-1 Juvenile Warning Citations
102-36 Definitions (Model Glue)
102-37 Intentional Inhalation, or Inducing Others, Prohibited; Exceptions
102-38 Possession
102-39 Intentional Inducement or Aid of Others Prohibited
102-40 Sale to Minors Prohibited
102-41 Sale to Wholesalers
102-42 Sale Limited to Bona Fide Retailers; Limitation on Quantity to Be Sold
Controlled Substances
102-111 Definitions (Drug Paraphernalia)
102-112 Determination
102-113 Prohibited Acts
102-115 Exceptions
Alcoholic Beverage Outlets Icon   Alcoholic Beverage Outlets
Alcohol General Offenses
10-7 Possession of Weapons Where Alcoholic Beverages Are Sold, Consumed on the Premises
10-9 Accessories as guilty as principals
Alcohol Permits
10-46 Unlawful to Sell Without Permit or Temporary Number
10-47 Permit Prerequisite to Engaging in Business
10-49 Wholesale and Retail Dealers Permits Required
10-125 Permits to Be Displayed
10-127 Price Schedule to Be Posted and Available to Patrons
10-128 Maintenance of Responsible Person on Licensed Premises
10-158 Molesting Passerby
10-159 Illegal Gambling Prohibited on Premises; Possession of Federal Wagering Stamps
Age Restrictions
10-366 Sales to Persons Under 21
10-367 Persons Under 18 Not to Sell Liquor
10-368 Persons Under 18 Not to Play Pool, Billiards or Video Poker on Premises
10-369 Persons Under 18 Not Permitted on Premises
10-370 Proof of Age
10-371 Employees Under 21 Not Permitted as Dancers
Times and Places
10-401 Sales Restricted to Within Premises
10-402 Restroom Facilities Required for Customers
10-403 Sidewalk Seats Not Permitted
10-404 Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Parking Lots Prohibited
Other Alcohol Restrictions
10-427 Sales to Intoxicated Persons
10-430 Prostitution on Premises Prohibited
10-431 Lewd, Etc., Behavior Prohibited
10-432 Illegal to Employ Persons to Solicit Business
10-433 Illegal to Act as Solicitor
10-434 Nudity, Sexual Conduct of Employees
10-435 Entertainment of Burlesque or Striptease Shows to Be from Stage or Platform
10-542 Original Container Not to Be Refilled
10-569 Execution of Search Warrant (ABO)
Restaurants Icon   Restaurants
Restaurants Generally
30-658 Price Lists required
30-659 Charging More Than List Price Prohibited
30-661 Failure to Pay for Food or Drink Obtained
Mobile Vendor Icon   Street Vendors
Mobile and Stationary Vendors
110-11 Street Vendors Prohibited (unless authorized)
110-191 Rules and Regulations for Mobile Food Vendors (Food Trucks)
110-199 Rules and Regulations for Stationary Food Vendors
110-207 Rules and Regulations for Ice Cream Vendors
110-214 Rules and Regulations for Mobile Foot, Pushcart, or Animal Drawn Food Vendors
Massage Parlors Icon   Massage Parlors
Massage Establishment
30-956 License Required
Operating Requirements
30-1036 Compliance, Public Notice
30-1037 Hours of Operation
30-1038 Display of License, Permit
30-1039 Business Records
30-1040 Linen Supplies
30-1041 Sanitary Maintenance of Equipment, Supplies
30-1042 Attire of Patrons, Therapists
30-1043 Health of Patrons
30-1044 Right of Entry, Inspections
30-1045 Attendance by Licensee
30-1047 Massage Establishment Facilities
Entertainment Icon   Entertainment
Entertainment Generally
14-1 Permit Required for Music or Other Entertainment
14-3 Bungee jumping prohibited
14-4 Places Reserved for the Mayor and Police
14-5 Duties of Policemen on Guard at Theatres
14-6 Officers May Enter Theatres, Etc.
14-14 Obscene, etc., entertainments prohibited
14-15 Showing obscene pictures prohibited
Street Entertainers
30-1451 Definitions (Street Entertainer)
30-1453 License Required
30-1456 Use of Bourbon Street Restricted (Street Entertainers)
Gambling Icon   Gambling
Gambling Generally
14-211 General Prohibition (Gambling)
14-212 Exclusion
14-213 Persons Under the Age of 21 Entering Gaming Area - Prohibited
Betting Pools
14-232 Distribution of Race Tips Prohibited
Animals Icon   Animals
Animals Generally
18-2 Cruelty to Animals
18-2.1 Minimum Standards of Care for Animals
18-3 Bringing sick animals (epidemical nature) into the city
18-7 Wild or Exotic Animals as Pets Prohibited
18-9 Keeping Ferocious Animals in the City
18-11 Feeding or Annoying Animals in a Zoo, Park, Etc.
18-12 Places where animals are kept are to be kept clean
18-13 Soiling of Public and Private Property by Animals
18-14 Animals to Be Confined; Exceptions
18-17 Animal Fighting, Facilities for Same, Prohibited
18-36 Interference with Director or Society (Animal Control)
18-166 Impoundment of animals suspected of rabies
18-167 Impoundment of animal that bites a person
18-169 Rabies vaccinations required (dogs and cats)
Dangerous Dogs
18-292 Determination of potentially dangerous dogs
18-293 Vicious Dogs
18-298 Required reporting (dog bites, inflicts serious bodily injury, etc.)
Fowl and Livestock
18-328 Cattle not to be driven through streets
18-340 Feeding Birds in Jackson Square Area
18-341 Killing animals, birds or wild fowl in public squares, parks or designated bird sanctuaries prohibited
  Fire Protection
Fire Protection
74-1 Obstruction of Firefighters
74-2 Cursing, etc., Firefighters Prohibited
74-3 Impersonation of a Firefighter, Fire Inspector
74-86 Police to Keep Open Space in Front of Fires
  Tobacco, Smoking, and Vaping
Tobacco, Smoking, and Vaping
54-499 Sale of tobacco products to minors prohibited
66-71 Prohibition of Smoking and Vaping in Public Places
66-72 Prohibition of Smoking and Vaping in Unenclosed Areas
66-73 Areas Where Smoking and Vaping Are Not Regulated
66-73.1 Smoking marijuana outside residences prohibited
66-74 Notice of Prohibition of Smoking and Vaping
Litter Icon   Litter
66-282 Garbage, Trash, Etc., Not to Be Thrown on Streets
66-283.5 Illegal Dumping; Enforcement (Seizing Vehicles)
66-285 Dumping Refuse, Etc., in Yards, Etc.
66-287 Sweeping from Premises and Sidewalks to Be Taken Up
66-287.1 Use of Leaf Blowers to Transfer or Direct Debris to Public Drains Prohibited
66-103 Junk, Abandoned, Wrecked Vehicles on Streets Impounded
66-241 Spitting on Sidewalks, Etc., Prohibited
66-312 Duty to Mow Grass and Remove Debris
66-351 Refrigerators, Iceboxes, Etc.
  Business Signs
134-121 Signs on Public Rights of Way (Prohibitions)
134-122 Placement of Signs That Are Temporary (Permitted; Real Estate, Political, Garage Sales, Etc.)
134-123 Signs Resembling Official Signs
134-124 Signs Not to Create Easements
134-125 Signs Obscuring or Interfering with View
134-126 Shielding of Lighted Signs, Interference with Drivers of Motor Vehicles
134-128 Advertisements on Streets, Telegraph Poles, Etc., Prohibited
Noise Icon   Noise
66-138 Exemptions
66-202 Maximum Permissible Sound Levels by Receiving Land Use
66-203 Specific Nuisance Noises Prohibited (dogs barking, loud music, power equipment, etc.)
66-205 Persons Playing Musical Instruments on Public Rights-of-Way
66-207 Specific Motor Vehicle Noises Prohibited
  Parks and Playgrounds
Parks Generally
106-1 Trespassing in Woldenberg Riverfront Park
106-2 Bicycle speed limit (10 mph) in Audubon Park
106-3 Use of private watercraft in City Park prohibited
Parks and Playgrounds
106-138 Unlawful to loiter, wander, play, etc. in playground and public parks between 10:30 pm and 6:00 am
106-166 Fishing in parks without permission or during closed season prohibited
106-172 People and animals in the Coliseum Square Fountain prohibited
106-212 Cutting, spraying, etc., trees in public places prohibited
Louisiana Science and Nature Center
106-296 Certain activities prohibited (littering, bringing animals, possession of weapons to harm wildlife, etc.)
City Park
106-301 Certain activities prohibited (selling food, hunting, killing animals, throwing objects into lagoons, etc.)
106-302 City Park - drug-free zone
106-303 City Park - sex offenders not permitted
38-3 No person to be buried except in cemeteries
38-10 Graves not to be opened without permission
38-12 Disturbing cemeteries
54-377 Desecration of graves
Taxi Icon   Taxis
162-53 Unlawful Use of Vehicles for Hire by Businesses and Their Employees
162-81 Driver's Taxi Permit Required
162-92 Notification of Change of Address (72 Hours)
162-153 Display of Certificate
162-442 Operation of Unsafe Vehicle Prohibited
162-444 Speed of Vehicle (Speeding; Endangering Passengers, Pedestrians, Etc.)
162-446 Driver's Good Conduct
162-447 Driver Not to Smoke
162-448 Driver’s Personal Appearance
162-450 Solicitation for Prostitution, Violation of Law
162-452 Diversion of a Passenger from Designated Destination
162-453 Lost Articles in Taxicabs
162-454 Vehicles to Be Kept Clean
162-455 Passenger Rights Notice
162-608 Taxicab Driver Photo Identification
162-609 Trip Sheets and Records
162-612 Refusal to Carry Passengers
162-741 Legal Fares and Payment Thereof Required
Mass Transit Icon   Mass Transit
Buses and Streetcars
122-8 Smoking Prohibited on Public Transit Vehicles
122-9 Playing of Audio, Video Equipment on Public Transit Vehicles Prohibited
122-10 Consumption of Food and Beverages on Public Transit Vehicles Prohibited
122-11 Concessions for Handicapped Passengers
122-12 Impeding Public Transit Operations Prohibited
122-13 Legal Fares and the Payment Thereof Required
122-14 Sale, Barter, Counterfeiting, or Exchanging of Transfer Tickets Prohibited
Mardi Gras Icon   Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras and Parades
18:14 Cats and Dogs to Be Confined (No Dogs on Parade Route)
34-17 No riding on exterior of an automobile (except convertibles)
34-18 Smoking prohibited on carnival or truck floats
34:19 Obstructing Parades
34:20 Obstructing Sanitation Vehicles
34:21 Animals Prohibited (Reptiles)
34:27 Throwers Restricted
34:28 Prohibited Throws
34:29 Throwbacks (Throwing at Floats Prohibited)
34:30 Location (Stands and Structures)
34:31 News Media Coverage
34:32 Fencing of Public Property Prohibited
34:33 Ladders and Portable Toilets
34:34 Definitions (Mayoralty Permits)
34:37 Vendors in a Fixed Location; Permit Requirements and Regulations
34:38 Vendors Not in a Fixed Location, Permit Requirements and Regulations
34:39 Permits Valid in the Central Business District
34:46 Peddling Novelties, Souvenirs, and Foods; Prohibited Near Schools
34:47 Offense for Misuse of Permits
Vieux Carré Ordinances Icon   Vieux Carré Ordinances
Vieux Carré Specific Ordinances
154-1522e Trucks over 36 feet prohibited in the Vieux Carré
162-496 Animal Drawn Vehicles (Conduct Thereof)
162-942 Tour Buses (Restricted Actions, Areas, and Routes)
122-51 Certain Buses Prohibited in the Vieux Carré (Over 31 Feet in Length)
138-42 Garbage (Times of Collection)
138-46 Garbage (Maximum Amount Set Out for Collection)
106-1 Trespass in Woldenberg River Front Park
110-11 Prohibited Street Vendors
110-222 Commercial and Time Share Solicitations Barred
146-493 Obstruction of Streets, Public Rights-of-Way
146-494 Obstruction of Sidewalks
66-208 St. Louis Cathedral Noise Buffer Zone
66-209 Placement of Loudspeakers (Vieux Carré and CBD)